Google, the creator of WebRTC, has recently asked Vidyo to help develop a browser-native video chat solution for WebRTC, Venturebeats reports. Vidyo, which has raised $120M in venture funding, has been disrupting the enterprise videoconference market and stealing thunder from traditional videoconferencing giants Polycom and Cisco with its software-only endpoints.…

Tag: Tokbox
…But it’s just not there yet. I mean, we’re free for most users, right? So this was an interesting bit of news today from TechCrunch and ViVu. Basically, ViVu created a Skype plug-in called “VuRoom” that will enable multiparty calling and some additional collaboration tools. Aaaand they’re going to charge…
This article was originally posted on my personal blog, and was what started my discussions with VSee, resulting in my becoming Chief Product Officer there. Video conferencing has been a popular staple of science fiction at least since Flash Gordon‘s Spaceograph, 2001: A Space Odyssey‘s video call from the moon and,…