VSee COVID-19 Service Status Updates

You may subscribe for service update emails for VSee Clinic here, and VSee Messenger here.

Browser-basedENABLED for all clinicsSignupENABLED
Phone bridgeENABLED  for all clinicsLog in for all usersENABLED
Admin user searchOperationalGroup chatENABLED for all users

Past Incidents

MAY 18

VSee Clinic – New Release 4.0.3

MAY 17

No incidences reported.

MAY 16

No incidences reported.

MAY 15

No incidences reported.

MAY 14

No incidences reported.

MAY 13

No incidences reported.

MAY 12

VSee Clinic – some network connectivity issues resolved

MAY 11

VSee Clinic – Service slow down at 11AM, 12PM, 1PM



We are currently experiencing a huge surge in call volume due to COVID-19. Our engineers are working 24/7 around the clock to increase server capacity so we can enable access to all of our services including Free VSee Clinic and VSee Messenger.

  1. Our current hosting company is unable to keep up with our expansion needs, so we are in the process of moving our services to another hosting company that will enable to scale faster.
  2. We are in the process of optimizing our servers to be able to handle higher volumes.
  3. Fixing instability issues caused by congestion to our mobile push module

During this time we may have to disable certain features and free services. You may also experience slower than usual login and connection times.

Please note the following services that may be affected:

Free VSee Messenger

  • Temporarily suspended log-ins for existing users(starting 4/1/2020)
  • Temporarily disabled sign ups for new VSee users
  • Services restarting
  • Temporarily disabled Test Demo
  • Temporarily unable to receive push notifications for mobile app
  • Mobile users appear offline when VSee app is in background

*Upgrade requests may be submitted here

VSee Messenger Pro

  • Temporarily disabled free VSee user sign ups (from website)**
  • Services restarting
  • Temporarily unable to receive push notifications for mobile app
  • Mobile app calling may not work well
  • Mobile users appear offline when VSee app is in background
  • Temporarily disabled Test Demo
  • Slow login and connection times

**Patients/clients MUST sign up for VSee from your VSee invite link. They will not be able to get VSee from our website. (Please see this VSee Messenger invite video tutorial here if you are not sure how to send your invite link)

Free VSee Clinic

  • Temporarily suspended log-ins for existing users
  • Temporarily suspended new sign ups
  • Mobile users appear offline when VSee app is in background

* Upgrade requests may be submitted here

Basic and Enterprise VSee Clinic

  • Slow login and connection times
  • Slow email notifications or emails not received
  • Services restarting

We understand you are depending on our services to see patients and clients and to fight COVID-19. You may want to try to schedule visits outside of peak (Pacific time) business hours.  

Again, we are working as quickly as possible to expand and stabilize VSee’s performance. We deeply appreciate your patience during this transition.

Thank you!