6 Things Telehealth Needs To Learn from Facebook

What is needed to get everyone doing telehealth the way Facebook got everyone sharing online? Young, hotshot CEO of Epharmix, Blake Marggraff is aiming to be the Mark Zuckerberg of telehealth. Join this week’s TFSS webinar as Blake shares his vision for the digital health world and his experiences from starting up a telehealth company. Find out what are the most crucial elements in setting up a successful telehealth company? What are the common mistakes? We’ll also discuss design considerations for effective patient & provider adoption and how to evaluate the viability of a telehealth company. Don’t miss this week’s webinar as we seek to discover the spaces where digital health has never gone before!

About the Speaker

Blake Marggraff TFSSBlake Marggraff currently serves as the CEO of Epharmix Inc., a health technology company that creates condition-specific digital interventions to help increase patient engagement and facilitate faster, more effective treatment. Epharmix, with a powerful team of scientists, developers and advisers, is positioned to bring pragmatic and proven value to the healthcare industry. Previously, he co-founded Betaversity, an education technology company and Arch Grants recipient, with 30 percent monthly growth of the educational institution client base. Prior to attending Washington University, his fascination with nuclear medicine led me to win the top prize of Intel’s International Science and Engineering Fair.

Slides : https://www.slideshare.net/VSee/6-things-telehealth-needs-to-learn-from-facebook

Recording : https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6133164203215915523?source=vsee