Four Observations on the State of the Telehealth Market

VSee telehealth ATA 2013Telehealth is on the move! Recently, Roz Ben-Chitrit wrote about the rosy future he saw from the deck of the ATA Telemedicine Trade Show. Here’s what people in the trenches (including VSee CEO, Milton) are saying about the telehealth market:

1. Telehealth and telemedicine is beginning to see a return on investment with companies like Teladoc and are finally being taken seriously as sustainable solutions for our healthcare woes.

The movement away from “pilot-itis” is an exciting change in the market….[we’re] getting ready to move to the growth phase… which is where you see the ROI – Ray Solone, Global Director of Marketing, Care Innovations

Organizations that have invested in telehealth are now invited to sit at the adult table – Chris Taylor, VP of Commercial Sales, Cardiocom

2. Telehealth will be a major tool for battling chronic illness in various ways

Demographics don’t lie and the labor pool won’t be big enough [to take care of everyone face-to-face]…technology will have to play an integral role -Mark Aspenson, CEO of Avery Telehealth

People are living longer with chronic illness, which is a more organic demand driver, and technology helps fill the void of caregivers – Sunil Hazaray, Chief Commercial Officer, Authentidate

3. Technology is making telehealth easier and cheaper to use

It’s important to let doctors provide care rather than making them into IT people…simplifying the technology and reducing the IT work and infrastructure enables users to focus on the clinical workflow, and improve patient care and service. – Milton Chen, CEO of VSee

Outside drivers…including decreasing technology costs, help the market grow – Kevin Quinn, Senior VP, AMC Health

4. Telehealth and telemedicine will be the new norm healthcare is being delivered.

People are embracing change and new ways to get care….Greater access is one of the major benefits to telemedicine and [healthcare kiosks] like ours – Brooke Westlake, VP of Sales, Computerized Screening, Inc.

Source: Rosy Future For Telemedicine from Hands On Telehealth

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