A Message From Our CEO – Important COVID-19 Updates

Dear VSee friends and users around the world,

First I want to thank you all for your continued support during this unprecedented COVID-19 health crisis. It is our privilege and responsibility to serve the healthcare community at this time. I want to make sure you know that all of us at VSee are doing our utmost to make sure you are being served to the best of our capacity.

As you know, we’ve been experiencing an exponential surge in traffic during this health crisis, and have had to make many unprecedented decisions – including the suspension of many of our Free services. I owe you both an explanation and an apology.

For over 10 years, VSee has served and enabled over 1500 companies, 20K VSee Clinics and 7 million VSee Messenger users to harness the power of telehealth to save money, save lives and improve healthcare. It is our mission to continue to do so.

We are striving to sustain, and even surpass the service that we normally provide, especially during this crucial period. All our staff are working overtime to get your questions answered and more importantly, to restore ALL of our services—including Free VSee—as quickly as possible. 

What We’ve Done

One of the main problems we have hit are limitations in our current hosting company’s capacity to expand. Our engineers have been working 24/7 around the clock to keep services going with this limited capacity. 

In order maximize our current server capacity and maintain stability, we have had to turn off the following services:  

  • Disable sign ups for Free VSee Clinic (FVC) and Free VSee Messenger (VM)* services 
  • Suspend logins for existing FVC and Free VM** accounts 
  • Suspend push notifications on mobile devices

*New patients and clients are still able to create and use a VSee account, but they MUST sign up from a provider’s VM invite (quick tutorial here).  

**If you are a healthcare provider with an existing blocked VM account, you may submit a request to unblock your account (please include your login and proof of services) at vsee.com/contactsales

What We Are Doing Going Forward

Our engineers are currently working hard to:

  • Transfer all our current our free services to another hosting company that will allow us to expand our server capacity at the same rapid rate as our growth
  • Optimize our servers to handle higher volumes 
  • Stabilize issues caused by push notification congestion due to high mobile usage 

We are closely monitoring our services and updating the situation on an hourly basis. New service status updates are now posted on our website here.

Services not mentioned above are NOT affected unless otherwise noted on our service status page.

Note on VSee Security

I know that security is also a very big concern for you right now in light of recent news about video conference security and privacy vulnerabilities.  I want to assure you that as a healthcare-focused company VSee handles all your data in accordance with HIPAA regulations. We use AES 256-bit encryption on both moving and stored data. Our employees are regularly trained on HIPAA security policies. We do not have access to your calls. We do not store or collect any of your video or audio transmissions (unless you have specifically requested our cloud recording service). Most 1-1 calls are encrypted end to end. 

Again, I am deeply aware that these changes have impacted many of your businesses and apologize for the disruption this has caused. Please know that all our team are working as hard as possible to stabilize VSee and to bring back all suspended services as soon as possible.

The suspension of our Free services does not apply

Thank you for your patience and I look forward to providing completely restored and more robust services soon. 

Dr. Milton Chen 

VSee and This American Doc CEO