Retrace Health Provides Nurse Video Visits Via VSee

Retrace HealthRetraceHealth has been a big fan of VSee secure video chat for telehealth for quite awhile now. This is because a key component of our business model depends on being able to connect our nurse practitioners to patients over secure video visits. We’ve explored a couple of different options, such as Revation LinkLive, but the cost-effectiveness of VSee’s HIPAA-secure video chat as well it’s Apple-friendly platforms (Mac, iPad, iPhone and soon-to-be Android) were big selling points for us. Set up for VSee was also incredibly straightforward.  In fact, 6 months before we even had our first patient appointment, our founder and CEO, Thompson Aderinkomi wrote to a contact interested in direct pay primary care, “If he wants something super affordable and light weight that meets the needs of the clinical industry, he should go with VSee.”

How VSee Greases the RetraceHealth Engine

Since then, we’ve become full-time VSee users. After getting our patients set up with free VSee accounts for their 1-on-1 nurse video visits, we realized how valuable it would be to regularly use VSee for our collaboration with each other as well. Considering that Minnesota is plowing through one of its most miserable winters ever, VSee has let our team to not only avoid treacherous commutes, but also to stay productive since we can connect over VSee.  Now, the RetraceHealth team regularly gathers on VSee for weekly team and individual meetings and whenever we need to troubleshoot other technology.  We also use VSee to demonstrate to potential customers the effective connection that VSee provides.

More importantly, our patients have been pleased with the quality of care delivered through VSee. We have a  nurse practitioner, who lives in Tennessee, but is still able to provide excellent care to our Minnesota patient base. One patient commented after her first VSee video visit, “The virtual visit was just as good [as a live visit]. Even though I’ve never used VSee or had any other similar interactive experiences, the software was super simple to install and use.”

Kendra Allen, Operations Manager for RetraceHealth, points out, “We are a mobile company and are very willing to switch services for better service.  Since starting with VSee in May 2013, have changed both our EMR and our Patient Engagement Platform, so our sticking with VSee is a stronger testament to its strength than how we originally picked it.”

She adds,“I love how with VSee, we’ve been able to stay connected easily even without a physical office.  It also allows me to quickly and confidently troubleshoot any technical issue with both my teammates and our patients. It’s great!”

Future of Telemedicine for Retrace Health

We’ve been excited with each VSee development, from the VSee iPad and iPhone releases, to its latest incredible OneClick Video Call. As soon as we got the notice that OneClick was available, we immediately implemented it so our patients could have an even simpler user experience. We’ve also continued to grow and develop our own business model to make the most of VSee’s capacity. We are actively developing relationships with employers and a local retailer to create a wellness program like no other. We hope to give patients ready access from work, home or at a nearby retailer to be able to resolve illness concerns and build health effectively and simply.

About RetraceHealth

RetraceHealth’s mission is to make high quality primary care medical services personal, affordable, and convenient. Our vision is for primary care to be as affordable and as easy as turning on the lights. We provide employers with on-site clinics and wellness services, without needing to invest heavily in infrastructure because of our lean and lightweight approach.

Retrace Health team

Retrace Health team at Leaders In Healthcare