5 Benefits of Telemedicine

In the current day and age, it’s essential to acknowledge how technology is impacting our day-to-day lives. The medical industry is just one sector that has been transformed by technological developments, which have gone on to provide many benefits to those in need of care. According to a study, 90% of healthcare directors are now using telemedicine in their establishments, and this figure is set to increase in the coming years due to the advantages it can provide.

Here are just some of the key benefits of telemedicine and why it is becoming highly important for patient health and wellbeing:

Increases access to care

Getting to and from medical institutions to see a healthcare professional can be a challenge for many – especially those who are homebound, too ill to travel or live in remote locations. Telemedicine can overcome these obstacles, which would usually prevent patients from getting the care and attention they need.

For those who are suffering from a mental health condition, for example, walking into a doctor’s surgery and asking for immediate help isn’t always a realistic proposition. Thanks to a quick phone call and online assessment form, the admission process for mental health inpatient treatment is kept simple for the patient. The specialist team can swiftly gain an understanding of what the patient is experiencing and decide on the best treatment without necessarily having to schedule a face-to-face meeting. 


Being able to handle cases remotely with electronically stored data is set to save the healthcare sector millions of dollars every year. It is also expected to reduce the number of non-emergency visits to ER, thanks to patients being able to have a quick video call with a medical professional who can advise them on the necessary steps to take. The American Hospital Association discovered that telemedicine advancements saved 11% of costs in the healthcare sector in 2018 alone.

Access to specialists

The telemedicine system is convenient for patients to get access to the specialists they need immediately. Typically, this information would have to be communicated through doctors who then pass the information on to the relevant specialists. Regardless of location, individuals can chat on a one-to-one basis with the necessary experts, who will provide advice and, in some cases, a diagnosis based on the symptoms they can observe.  

Patient engagement

General health and wellbeing can be improved when patients are committed to their personal healthcare objectives. With telemedicine being more convenient than ever before, patients are much more likely to make an effort to seek support, rather than ignoring symptoms, which could be the start of a serious health complaint. These virtual discussions reassure patients that help is at hand whenever they need it. In time, this will make it much easier for patients to contact medical professionals when they are worried about symptoms, keep a close eye on early signs of cancer, and schedule appointments without difficulty.


Thanks to telemedicine, patients can inform professionals about any healthcare complaints they have in virtual real-time discussions and not have to wait for days or weeks to seek an appointment. After diagnosis, they can also be informed of the various treatment methods available to them in just a couple of minutes.