5 Reasons Why VSee Wins at the ATA 2016

VSee dominated the ATA 2016 Conference! Here are 5 things that made VSee stand out on the exhibit floor:

1. Featured on Digital Health Live @ CES: Newest telehealth solutions for virtual care!

Attendees came away from our booth excited about the possibilities VSee solutions offered. From medical device streaming for urgent care centers, the $5 otoscope for home care kits, and real-time data dashboard for patient monitoring. Even the Digital Health Summit @ CES interviewed Becky and Milton to film all these latest solutions.

booth pic

2. A winner of the ATA 2016 Exhibitor Contest

Thanks to all those who used our link to register for the ATA Exhibit Pass! Because of your help, VSee won 50% off 10×10 exhibit booth for next year and will be listed as a featured exhibitor at ATA 2017! Next year, we aim to win the Grand prize.

AI Talk

Chuck Parker, MD, Beyond Limits Healthcare Global Lead, “Can Computers Be Caregivers? Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare”

3. Back-to-back mini-tech talks for 3 days straight!

We had 14 speakers giving 17 tech talks during the 3 days of the ATA show! Attendees got to learn about the latest innovations in artificial intelligence, non-touch technology, holograms, and video for virtual healthcare.

You can check out the talks here:


4. Our most extravagant display of GREEN, yet!

From our new hanging banner to the various demo stations to the matching carpet, we rocked the apple green theme! No bathroom breaks for us this year as we demoed for a non-stop stream of visitors. If Vidyo was hoping to get a piece of the VSee huzzah, there was no such luck for its lonely booth.

VSee VP of Product Management, Dr. Erika Chuang, with one of the lucky winners of a Lenovo tablet!

VSee VP of Product Management, Dr. Erika Chuang, with one of the lucky winners of a Lenovo tablet!

5. Fabulous partners and supporters

At the end of the day, it’s the people that made this year’s ATA show special. Thanks to our VSee fans for your enthusiastic support. We loved getting to meet you in person. Thanks to our guest speakers for sharing your knowledge and expertise on the latest in healthcare innovation. Thanks to our partners Lenovo and FitBit for donating cool door prizes.

All of this wouldn’t be possible without your support. Together, let’s continue paving the way for telehealth innovations.

Check out more pics from our ATA album here