VSee Partner HAWA Brings Wellness to Employee Healthcare

HAWA Magazine Cover VSee is excited to share that one of our telewellness partners, Health As We Age (HAWA), was recently featured in the “Healthcare Innovations” issue of the Lake Houston Business Matters magazine. It was selected as one of the creative and practial solutions that are helping to meet the rising costs of healthcare in the US. HAWA has been servicing employers nationally since 2014 as a leader in the emerging telewellness market.

HAWA was created as a bridge between wellness and healthcare. Designed for employers to improve employee health, it brings together health data, healthcare experts, and incentives in a single platform to get results. CEO Marilyn Crawford has been gratified to see that since HAWA began in 2013, “Employers are seeing increased population health of their greatest asset, their employees.”

A Healthy Employee Is a Productive Employee

In recent years, companies are beginning to recognize the need to have a robust healthcare and wellness programs for their employees. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (JOEM) released a study last January 2016 where they found that highly profitable and high-performing companies make a big investment in employee healthcare and wellness program. Healthy and happy employees are motivated to do better and go the extra mile for the company that takes good care of them.

How Employer Telewellness Works

HAWA Platform

HAWA’s secure platform allows members and their providers to easily view health records and wellness progress

HAWA believes that work should never be the antithesis of wellness, and it provides a three-fold program designed to allow employees reach their wellness goals:

  1. HAWA Healthpoint Check-Up provides onsite and off-site state-of-the-art biometrics screening, post-test consultation and personalized Action Plan. This helps members realize their wellness potential and place them in-control of their health and fitness goals.
  2. HAWA Providers gives members access to HAWA network of providers such as nurses, nutritionists, dietitians, and fitness specialists. They can schedule a virtual consultation and experience needed support and guidance to achieve their goals.
  3. HAWA Perks rewards members for each progress and milestone. Employers can administer their incentive program and see their employees thrive not just in the workplace, but as individuals.
HAWA Healthpoint CheckUp

Stream and Store data from medical devices easily to your dashboard

All this can be uploaded and stored in members’ secure, real-time dashboard for employers, providers, and/or members to easily manage and view.

With HAWA’s program, employers are not only benefiting the employees, but they are also benefiting themselves with a healthier, happier workforce.

HCA Director Kimberly Walters - HCA Gulf Coast MSA

HCA Director Kimberly Walters – HCA Gulf Coast MSA

HAWA Lori Wilson

HCA Director, Lori Wilson – HCA Gulf Coast MSA

HAWA practice solutions

See the complete article in Lake Houston Business Matters Spring 2016 Issue.

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