Engage Patients with RPM – Lesley Mathis (Care Innovations)

About Speaker

Lesley is a clinical manager and has emerged as a clinical expert in remote patient monitoring specializing in solutions and protocol development of various patient populations. Prior to entering the healthcare technology industry, Lesley worked as a bedside nurse in CCU/CVICU and then became the Nurse Practitioner for the Chief of Cardiac Surgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Although she greatly enjoyed the demands of this service, she began to see the brokenness of the healthcare system and sought to be a part of the solution. She soon became interested in remote patient monitoring and felt this could be the answer to some of the healthcare gaps of care she witnessed working in the hospital. Lesley became the clinical manager of one of the most successful RPM program for one of the largest payers. Under her leadership and clinical guidance, this program reduced Congestive Heart Failure readmissions by 40% and reduced medical costs by 2.8 million. After 5 years, Lesley went to work for Care Innovations where she plays a key role in developing strategies for large payers, providers, and pharma. She is devoted to helping her customers drive critical adoption of RPM, development of unique protocols, and working on population health with the business intelligence (BI) platform at Care Innovations.

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