Genesis TPM Brings Video Consultations to Chronic Condition Management

chronic care condition managementGenesis Total Patient Management (TPM) is a proven chronic condition management tool that allows patients and providers to work together to manage chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, PT/INR (Management of Blood), hypertension, and obesity. Now, Genesis TPM has extended its services by partnering with VSee to provide telemedicine.

With VSee telemedicine, Genesis TPM can easily connect patients and providers for live video consultations. Together they can review the patient’s data face-to-face and come up with a plan to manage the chronic condition. Patients can also connect to a care team member if anything comes up.

Of course, that’s just one part of Genesis TPM. Their interactive online portal lets patients track their health data, upload personal medical records information, and securely invite all their caregivers to participate in their progress. It brings together school nurses, caregivers, and family members, who can receive alerts and updates on a patient’s condition. Participants also have access to home charts, caregiver notes, health plans, prescriptions, and educational links. There is even a secure Social Medical Network where patients can get support from other members sharing common issues.

Some Ugly Chronic Condition Statistics

According to the CDC, about half of all adults in the United States have a chronic health condition, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma and obesity, and 1 in 3 have multiple conditions. Estimates of US health spending place direct costs at 176 billion for diagnosed diabetes alone. Moreover, research shows that about 50 percent of medications for chronic disease are not taken by patients as prescribed, leading to approximately 125,000 deaths and at least 10 percent of hospitalizations.

The good news is that there are lots of things we can do to prevent and lower chronic condition incidences, and chronic condition management portals like Genesis TPM play a critical role in this, leading to less health spending and improving the lives of those with chronic conditions.

Why Genesis TPM Works

Genesis Total Patient Management

For geriatrician Dr. Diane Clarke, Genesis TPM has made all the difference both for her and her patients. She loves the real-time data she receives with Genesis. It allows her to see if a patient is taking his or her medication, how he or she is feeling, and what diagnostic test has been done by other providers. It also lets her learn instantly about something in the immediate environment which is affecting a patient’s health, rather than hearing about it 2 weeks later…when a patient is in the hospital.

Another important aspect of Genesis is much-needed patient education. A study from Preventing Chronic Disease Journal found that patients receive education about how to manage their conditions in less than 50 percent of outpatient visits. The Genesis Learning Library is a ready-to-go resource for patients and providers. In addition, patients and caregivers can upload videos and other materials to share with each other for a customized education.

Research also supports the effectiveness of patient self-management in improving outcomes for people with chronic diseases. Because the portal empowers patients to control their own data and collaborate with caregivers. Genesis can say with confidence that it provides a truly evidence-based and patient-centered tool.  Dr. Clarke says, “I have found that Genesis TPM has provided a means of giving my patients more contact with me and a sense of decreased anxiety, since they are being provided with a means of doing something for themselves.”

With the current reimbursement CPT Codes, Genesis TPM can even provide a valuable source of revenue for participating caregivers.

The good people at Genesis TPM have given rave reviews to VSee for the quality of our video. Likewise, the VSee team is proud to be part of this much-needed solution.