NASA Moon Simulation 2017 Brings Together International Participants with VSee

Contributed by Priscilla R. Elfrey, Co-manager and co- developer of KSC Center for Life Cycle Design and executive producer of SEE – a collaborative college-level lunar mission modeling and simulation experience sponsored by NASA.

moon simulation SEE17 team on VSee

The Simulation Exploration Experience team (SEE2017), met via VSee on April 5 to demonstrate it’s growing proficiency in simulation, interoperability standards. And, especially…international collaboration.

This year we had 13 teams across 3 continents. The real challenge was managing 11 time zones plus Daylight Saving Time: from San Luis Obisbo, California to Sophia, Bulgaria.  Amazing. We could not have done it without VSee.

VSee has been essential in connecting such a large far-flung team that seldom, if ever, gets to meet face-to-face:

We use VSee for tag-up meetings and resting, as well as for demonstration. We use it to remind teams of deadlines and deliverables.

Students use it to ask questions of mentors, peer and  expert tutors. We also encourage students to use it to work together across boundaries and oceans.

On April 26, the teams will, again, demonstrate their work, and today, in preparation, the Calabria, Italy team will meet via VSee with a KSC engineer to refine performance.

In addition, representatives of the FACENS team, Brazil, will  be in Florida, arranged by the Brazil-Florida Chamber of Commerce, another SEE partner and member of the Executive Committee.  They will join the Florida Institute for Technology (FIT)  at its campus team  and will, of course, connect with team mates in Brazil for the demonstration, further  strengthening the ties between them.

It is, especially gratifying in such a widespread team to be able see one another, their classrooms and laboratories. It was a special pleasure for us to see them during the demonstration and we look forward to seeing them next week.

VSee continues to prove its value in enabling students and faculty to build a professional network, information resources and visibility while contributing to our efforts to encourage  trust, openness, responsibility and interdependence.