VSee for St. Martin Parish School District

st. martin parish school vsee meeting

For supervisors of technology Redell Louis and Kellie LeBlanc, video conferencing was a necessity.  The question was how to get it. 

As technology supervisors for the St. Martin Parish School District in rural South Central Louisiana, Louis and LeBlanc are in charge of ministering to the needs of 17 schools and 4 main offices in a district that takes 2 hours to drive from end to end.  Meeting and coordinating the technology needs of all these schools would be impossible without video conferencing technology.  A typical meeting for them includes 4 people in 4 different towns.  Even with someone out sick, video conferencing allows them to still meet and get things done.

ktop Video Conferencing Options

Like most cash-strapped public schools, a Cisco or Polycom video conferencing solution was simply out of St. Martin Parish’s league.  They needed something that they could use immediately without going through a bureaucratic purchase request.  They looked into using Skype, but Skype’s group video calling was not free.  Then they looked into ooVoo, but it was blocked by the school network’s firewall which would have been a major hurdle to overcome.  Then they discovered VSee’s simple video conference with screen share, and they haven’t looked back since.

Why VSee?

For St. Martin Parish, VSee was a simple solution for all their needs.  VSee was easy to install and use.  It required no administrative privileges and no backend set up or finagling.  Within 15 minutes of discovering VSee they were able to get everyone they needed set up and using it like a pro.

The cherry on top was that VSee had all the features they needed right at their fingertips. VSee’s fast screen share is a favorite, and  VSee’s drag-and-drop file send is, in the words of LeBlanc, an “AWESOME feature.”  Before discovering VSee they had to use at least two separate programs — VNC for screen share and Skype for video calling, which also meant double the troubleshooting.  With VSee everything is built into a single application. LeBlanc adds, “The [VSee] tool is so easy to use…everything is so self explanatory.”

VSee’s one-click call design is also perfect for fielding ad hoc video calls and meetings. Any of the principals and technology coordinators at their 17 schools, and even the district superintendent can easily reach Louis and LeBlanc anytime, allowing them to resolve those pesky technical issues that come up during the school day.

VSee at the LACUE Conference

new orleans teacher technology conference

They are so excited about VSee that they will be spreading the word about VSee at tomorrow’s Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators (LACUE) Conference in New Orleans. LeBlanc and Peggy Hebert from Teche Elementary will be presenting a workshop to show other Louisiana educators just how easy and fast meeting online can be with VSee.

But don’t worry if you can’t be there.  VSee is so easy to use, you can try it out for yourself now!

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