VSee Beats Skype for Telehealth – myhomehelper for Dementia, Head Injuries, Learning Difficulties

VSee Messenger in help online“The auto-answer video calling feature of my software was originally provided by Skype.  However, after years of on-going issues, poor quality calls and finally the removal of a key function with Skype,  I decided to look for an alternative solution. After being disappointed by a couple of other products I came across VSee. Initial tests were very positive and it provided everything that I needed.” said Kevin Marsch, the director of Simpla Solutions, UK,  indicating VSee beats Skype in telehealth, “ I was very impressed with the responsiveness of the VSee customer services team and their willingness to work with me in getting it to work for me.”

myhomehelper for Dementia, Head Injuries, Learning DifficultiesKevin is the creator of myhomehelper, an award winning online, digital memory and communication aid for people with cognitive impairment such as dementia, learning difficulties and head injuries. Created from the personal experience of caring for a family member with Vascular Dementia (accessible web version of dementia article at Dopasolution here), myhomehelper has been designed to work without any interaction from the end user.  It  has a number of features including Calendar Clock, Diary, Reminders, News Headlines, Photos, Instant Messaging and Auto-answer Video Calling to help  reduce anxiety, boredom and loneliness.  All the features  all be accessed, setup and maintained by family and friends over the internet, so it’s very important for the video software to be stable and easy to integrate and be used by an average adult. After Kevin switched the video software used from Skype to VSee,  he obtained incredibly positive feedback from their customers around the world. It has been seen as a significant improvement on Skype.

“Hi Kevin, Just to let you know we have been using VSee on Mums myhomehelper and are very pleased, much better than skype”, Jackie C, Carer, UK told him earlier on.

Users who had previously given up on the video calling feature of myhomehelper are now regularly using it and reporting improved sound and picture quality and more importantly increased reliability. This has also been reflected in the significant reduction of helpdesk calls (down by over 70%) Kevin receives regarding the video calling functionality.


VSee team is very happy to be able to help myhomehelper. We are looking forward to work closer with myhomehelper team to more tightly integrate VSee with myhomehelper to offer a more seamless user experience.

Comments ( 1 )
  • admin
    Erik Gans says:

    Never thought anybody could beat Skype, but as you mentioned it is providing better results, then I guess it’s the time to switch to VSee.

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