VSee Saves the Day for New York State Department of Health

Total Webcasting NYS Health Department

It’s been a long, rough winter here on the East Coast, but luckily snow is no obstacle to business continuity for VSee users. Total Webcasting with the use of VSee was able to keep the New York State Health Department productive and on schedule with their plans despite a January 21 snowstorm that ripped across the Mid-Atlantic Coast, leaving behind so much snow and damage that Governors Chris Christie of New Jersey and Andrew M. Cuomo declared states of emergency for all or parts of their states.

The following morning,  the New York Health Department in Watertown, NY was holding a very important meeting which they needed to Webcast to the public.  The challenge was integrating the group presenting from Albany to the main group in Watertown as well as to the viewing public, even in the extreme weather (a nasty, snowy -35 degrees F that morning). To make matters worse, the hotel where the meeting was taking place “just happened to be” bandwidth-challenged.

But all went smoothly with VSee low bandwidth video conference performing well on the available network. Total Webcasting Robert Feldman reported “as I write this, there is a full duplex conversation going on between the sites as well as full integration into the Webcast.” So hip hip hooray for VSee and Total Webcasting for saving the day for the NYS Department of Health!

About Total Webcasting

Total Webcasting

Total Webcasting Inc., based in New York’s Mid-Hudson Valley, was founded in 2001 as a Webcasting Service Provider. Specializing in live and on-demand Webcasting, Total Webcasting offers complete streaming solutions that allow businesses accomplish more, save money, reach and engage a wider audience, and create a positive user experience. Total Webcasting has helped local, national and global organizations of all sizes enhance their communication strategies.