VSee Growing its Singapore Team

VSee is on a roll with recruiting! Our family of creative professionals around the world has nearly doubled in the past year and we’re looking to double again in 2016! In Singapore, we’ve added several new hires, including 10 alumni from the National University of Singapore (NUS). Check out the full house at our VSee Singapore team lunch.

VSee Singapore Team 2016

Our CEO, Milton Chen, also did a whirlwind round of four recruitment talks at the NUS campus.

Stop #1 –Nanospark, the NUS Nanotechnology Institute’s venture club
Milton intrigued a group of researchers, industrial technicians, and students with stories of being a Silicon Valley startup CEO, as  well as VSee telemedicine adventures from the International Space Station to Iraq refugee camps and the African jungle.

nanosparks vsee talk


Stop #2 –  Kopi Chat at Blk 71, one of the top start up incubators in Singapore
Milton attracted a large audience for the first Kopi Chat of 2016, sharing his insights in telehealth industry and his journey as a first time entrepreneur.

Kopi Chat VSee talk

milton accepts kopi chat card

Stop #3. UTR Entrepreneur talk

Utown Residence is a residence college in NUS where like-minded individuals live together and create interesting projects from collaboration. Milton got to chill with the resident professor, graduate students, MBA students and undergraduate students.

milton UTown talk

Stop #4. CS Seminar in NUS 
NUS School of Computing is ranked 1st in Asia in the QS University World Ranking. In a short seminar Thursday morning, Milton mapped out the future of telemedicine throwing out research ideas, and collaboration possibilities with NUS think tanks.



Interested in joining the VSee team? We’re looking for a few good techies. Send us your CV at careers@vsee.com