VSee Customer Security Notice on CVE-2014-0160 (Heartbleed)

Dear Customers and Users,

As you may have heard, Heartbleed is a serious defect in OpenSSL, a core cryptographic library that is used to protect communications on the Internet.  This bug affected a large proportion of Web servers on the internet.

VSee has updated our servers with the fixed version of OpenSSL when this problem became publicly known.  Furthermore, we have installed new SSL certificates on our servers and revoked the older certificate.

VSee has no evidence that our servers were compromised in anyway.  However, we recommend changing your VSee password as a precautionary measure.

FOR VSEE API CUSTOMERS: you can request a new set of API keys from your customer success engineer.

VSee takes protecting all of our customer’s security and privacy as a top priority and we are continuing to monitor this situation.  We will provide updates when appropriate.

If you have any questions or concerns about this incident, please contact support@vsee.com.

with many thanks and warm regards,