Why Are Prescription Drugs 44% More Expensive in the US? — Keith Jacobs

Americans spend an average $1,112 on prescription drugs each year — 44% more than Canada, the next highest spender. Why are prescription drugs so much more expensive in the US? Can tech disruptors affect drug pricing changes?
– Get the basics of how the complicated prescription drug pricing system in the US works
– Understand why prescription drugs are so expensive in the US
– Learn about the 5 main prescription drug players and how they interact

About Speaker:
Keith is President of Luscinia Health (Refillwise umbrella), which he joined in 2014 as an investor. He was formerly CEO of projekt202, an innovator in software user experience design consulting. Before that Keith founded another technology consulting company, merged with a competitor, and helped sell the combined business to EMC in 2007. Keith is a member of the Lone Star chapter of the Young Presidents Organization. He began his career working for Ernst & Young and Sapient after earning a BBA in Management Information Systems from the University of Texas at Austin. Keith is a guest lecturer on the topic of prescription drug pricing at the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business.