Finding the SBR Health and VSee Link

SBR Health video solutions

Just for the record, while SBR Health (secure video-based solutions for the creation of virtual healthcare delivery networks) did come out of VSee (secure video conference + screen share for telehealth), they are two separate companies without any business ties.  I get asked about the relationship between SBR Health and VSee all the time – so I wanted to write this blog to clarify – because there is a small story behind it 🙂

SBR Health and VSee – What’s the Link?

When VSee was started, telemedicine and telehealth weren’t anywhere on our horizon.  We were purely focused on building a video collaboration tool that would provide an awesome user experience. However, as the VSee product matured, we started seeing numerous medical and healthcare-related sales leads, so I asked Chris Herot, our then Chief Product Officer, to focus on VSee healthcare customers.

Chris, as you may know, is now the CEO of SBR Health.  When I first met Chris, he had just ended his previous venture, Convoq (a WebEx alternative platform for web conferencing) and had written an insightful article on his experience.  I was a struggling first time entrepreneur, so I took the initiative to reach out to him and ended up hiring him for VSee.  It’s a decision I will never regret – Chris is one of the smartest and most talented people I know, and I learned a lot from him about running a startup, for which I’m extremely grateful.

But getting back to how SBR Health was born – we were getting so many healthcare-related leads that the SBR Health idea was formed to allow VSee to have a better product-market fit for these leads.  The initial idea was to help hospitals manage their video calls more effectively.  For example, if Stanford Hospital required a Spanish translator, the system would route the VSee video call to a translator matching the requirement. Unfortunately, at that time, VSee didn’t have the engineering resources to serve SBR Health and its general medical requirements, so today SBR Health and VSee are two separate entities, each on its own business trajectory.

Differences Between SBR Health and VSee Telehealth

So how does SBR Health differ from the VSee telemedicine / telehealth eVisit offering? SBR Health aims to simplify the work flow of major hospitals – specifically – through skill-based video call routing, as described in the Stanford Hospital medical interpreter example. These skills were later expanded beyond just languages and  interpretation services. Other companies that aim to optimize complex medical work flows include a booming Eceptionist, which is doing quite well. It offers a platform that “supports scheduling, telemedicine, e-referral and triage management, wait list and wait time management, case management, care pathways, protocols and reporting” for hospitals and healthcare facilities.

VSee telemedicine eVisit takes a holistic approach to providing our telehealth platform as a service. We have developed the entire stack from low level video and medical device sharing to calendaring, virtual waiting room, doctor dashboard, etc. to HIPAA-compliant data hosting. By developing the entire software stack and modules – VSee is able to customize design and provide a simpler virtual visit experience for both patients and doctors.

You can learn more about VSee telemedicine eVisit at


Milton, CEO

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