Alarmist articles on Skype security risks for telehealth abound. The question is whether using Skype for telehealth really poses that serious of a security problem? Psychiatric Times weighed in on the issue with a well-cited article Telepsychiatry: The Perils of Using Skype, co-authored by the executive director of the TeleMental Health Institute, Marlene…

Tag: hipaa privacy rule
HIPAA Privacy Rule protections now give you the right to restrict what health treatment information gets sent to your health plan if you’ve paid for the treatment yourself. Sounds great in theory, but are physicians and hospitals ready to put this policy into practice? Modifications to the Health Insurance Portability and…
With the updated Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Final Rule going into effect starting next week, March 26, 2013, health care entities and health vendors will want to start looking into the way they manage patients’ protected health information, so they don’t get hit with a nasty fine. The final…
If you’re confused about HIPAA law, or you need to know if VSee is HIPAA-compliant, or you just want to know what’s all the fuss about HIPAA, VSee has done the legwork for you distilling the relevant information into our HIPAA page. We’ve answered your questions about: Is VSee HIPAA…