Telehealth Implementation & Tips

Arizona Hospital Association Brings Telehealth COVID Care into the Homes of Vulnerable Populations

Project Goals: Bringing COVID-19 Palliative Care Into the Home “People want to be at home. They don’t want to go to the hospital.” That was the goal of the The Arizona Palliative Care Telehealth Program for COVID-19: to treat people where they’re at through telehealth and to keep them out…

Los Angeles County Case Study: Deploying Telehealth to 1.2 M

Innovating Equitable Telehealth for LA County The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH) is the largest county-operated mental health department in the United States, directly operating 85+ programs and contracting with close to 1,000 organizations and individual practitioners. It’s goal is to reach 1.2M of its 10M residents…

KonsultaMD and VSee Give Filipinos Access To Specialist Care for $10 a year

KonsultaMD, the largest telehealth consultation service in the Philippines with VSee telehealth technology is providing Filipinos with easy access to primary and specialist care no matter where they are located. COVID outbreaks are on the rise and hospitals are being overwhelmed with new cases. Now more than ever, patients need…

Online Practices – Get Found On Google With Better Website Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T)

If you have an online medical practice you could be losing out on potential Google search traffic if your website hasn’t been properly set up or updated to show expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). In August 2018, Google announced that in the coming years it was going to be paying…

What Online and Telecommunication Services Does Health Care Need To Offer Now?

In order for healthcare professionals to adequately provide for their patients, they need to not just include telecommunication services, but they need to invest and revolve around these services. With the COVID-19 pandemic still weighing heavily on everyone’s shoulders, and the possibility that a vaccination may never be possible, it…

Top 10 Healthcare Tips for Navigating COVID-19

With an increase of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) cases, it’s important that we take all necessary precautions to adjust to this new normal. By re-focusing on our own personal health, we can both slow the rate of infection and navigate what may feel like an unfamiliar way of life.  These ten…

Getting Started with Telemedicine #6 – Practicing Physicians Panel | Webinar Series

Panel Discussion: Telemedicine in Practice View Recording now Tips from Physicians in the Trenches Hear from physicians who have made the transition from doing in-person only visits to telemedicine. Learn from their experiences and get practical advice for getting set up. Gain a vision for the bigger possibilities of virtual…

Telemedicine 101: Getting Started Recording | Webinar Series #1

Get practical tips on choosing a technology platform that is right for your practice. Learn about how the right telehealth technology can save you and your staff valuable time in set up, onboarding, and patient flow. Set the right expectations about what telehealth can and cannot do. Find out best…

Getting Started With Telemedicine #1 – Telemedicine 101 | Webinar Series

Telemedicine 101: Getting Started View Recording Get practical tips on choosing a technology platform that is right for your practice. Learn about how the right telehealth technology can save you and your staff valuable time in set up, onboarding, and patient flow. Set the right expectations about what telehealth can…

How Is Tech in Pediatrics Used to Reduce Anxiety

Pediatric practices often provide toys, TVs, and video games in the lobby to make wait times less stressful for parents and patients, and there’s usually some sort of reward in the form of a toy or sticker at the end of the appointment. Progressive pediatricians are always on the lookout…

Managing The True Costs of Price Transparency

In an effort to reign in cost and solve the issue of the surprise bill by the Trump administration, CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has proposed new requirements for price transparency. What will that mean to the healthcare industry? Compliance with a new federal regulation requires understanding the…

How Can Technology Improve Dentistry?

Technology seems to be able to improve every aspect of medicinal care, increase the quality of life of patients and improve their chances of survival in severe cases. It can help doctors perform surgeries better and medicinal dosages can be calculated more accurately, but what can technology do to improve…

Telemedicine Coverage Through Medicare

  Being able to get to and from doctor visits can become challenging the older we get, especially if it’s a specialist visit out of town. This is unfortunate since as we age, we may require visits more often. Thankfully, Medicare has made strides to help seniors get the doctor…

7 Steps For Providers To Comply with HIPAA Regulations

Special thanks today for our guest post on HIPAA compliance by Alex Mitchell — cybersecurity enthusiast, WordPress guru, and data-safety tools tester with over 10 years experience. Who Must Comply With HIPAA If you’re not familiar with HIPAA it stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It was designed…

How Telehealth Makes It Harder for Seniors To Get Healthcare

Is telehealth increasing access or creating barriers to healthcare for seniors? How can we design accessible telehealth service for seniors and the elderly? What must we consider for telehealth to help our seniors age well and age in place? Dr. Casey Pierce from the University of Michigan School of Information…

3 Simple Tips For Getting Telehealth Reimbursement from Private Payers

Telehealth lawyer Nate Lacktman recommends that when negotiating a telehealth reimbursement contract from private payers, make sure to use the language of payers (e.g. member vs. patients), and to have a plan ready for showing them how telemedicine will benefit the payers such as by saving money or having healthier…

How Technology Can Help You Monitor the Safety of Your Aging Parents

Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. adults has provided care to a person with a long-term illness, disability, or aged family member in the past 30 days. While caring for aging parents can bring you closer together, it can also be a source of stress. Caring for loved ones can be…

Telehealth Reimbursement Models for Non-medical Services

This article is based on the 2017 Telehealth Failures & Secrets To Success (TFSS) conference talk Telehealth Reimbursement Models for Non-medical Services given by Brenda Schmidt. You can see all speakers and talks from the conference here) “How will I get reimbursed?” is always one of the first questions people have…

Never Worry About Missing A Patient Again with Our New Priority Messaging Feature

We get that it’s important for doctors to make sure they receive their calls. After all, isn’t that why pagers are still being used by doctors today? So that’s why we’ve introduced our new Priority Messaging feature. How Do Priority Messages Work? The Priority Message feature may be turned on…

Top 10 Tips for Making Telehealth work: A Physician Perspective — Michael Rodriguez MD, Fairfax Family Practice Centers

Need practical tips on how to set up and deploy telemedicine for your clinic or practice? Here are the top 10 tips for making telehealth work from a physician perspective. Dr. Rodriguez shares his first hand experiences of putting together the processes and technology needed to provide telemedicine to his…