The August 15 deadline for CMS Innovation Awards Round 2 is looming. Many organizations are looking to implement telemedicine video conferencing as part of their CMS innovation award proposal. If you’re planning to include a telemedicine piece in your project, here are some reasons why VSee telemedicine may be for you! Why VSee…

Tag: secure videochat solution
VSee spent last weekend showcasing its low-bandwidth secure telemedicine capabilities at the Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA) Symposium. The audience was amazed at VSee’s extreme low-bandwidth capabilities which used less than half the bandwidth of Skype, Vidyo, and OpenTok. They were even more excited when they saw how simply VSee integrates…
Link: VSee integration with IBM Connections [VIDEO] VSee’s simplest one-click video conferencing and screen share is better than Skype, and you can use it right from your IBM Connections platform without any hoo-hah. Make your virtual teams more productive and social. Effortlessly put a live face to presentations, meetings, and work sessions and build…