Tag: video collaboration

VSee: Video Chat + Collaboration Go Together Like Chips and Salsa

“So how is VSee different from Skype?” This is one of the most commonly asked questions we get at VSee.   It’s one of those things that’s hard to explain unless you’ve seen VSee in action.  I like how E27’s Joanna Yeo says it in her recent VSee article: VSee…

VSee vs. Vidyo: Simplicity Is Key

Why Team Building Retreats Don’t Improve Team Work

In a study of virtual teams, Stanford management science professor Pamela Hinds found that 6 months after virtual team members participated in an intense week-long team building retreat there was zero correlation to their ability to work together.  Hinds believes that in order to increase a group’s relational coordination or ability to…

Cisco WebEx: “Little to no Work-Life Balance”

Skype 5.0 News: 6 Reasons Redux

Yesterday while I was at a conference Skype announced on their blog that they were dropping the ‘beta’ label from their Mac release, and that group calling would now be a paid feature.  Obviously, I had to respond.  🙂 I have a lot of fun talking about Skype because I…