VSee: Video Chat + Collaboration Go Together Like Chips and Salsa

video conference interview over VSee“So how is VSee different from Skype?”

This is one of the most commonly asked questions we get at VSee.   It’s one of those things that’s hard to explain unless you’ve seen VSee in action.  I like how E27’s Joanna Yeo says it in her recent VSee article: VSee kicks “video conferencing up a notch with simplicity in performing collaborative work and high security of information transmission.”

What this means is VSee is a business tool specifically designed to make the collaboration workflow fast and seamless while Skype is more about chatting with friends and family.  That’s not to say people don’t use Skype for business purposes, but why use a rock to nail something together if you’ve got a hammer at hand?

In fact, ITBusinessEdge blogger Mike Vizard makes the point that businesses need to start finding ways to support workflows that make it easier for  employees to get their daily tasks done, instead of just looking for the next “killer business app” especially “at a time when employees have as many, if not more, options outside the office to accomplish a particular task than in it.”  In his article on how HP is looking to give their workers a better work experience he notes:

increasingly end users are letting IT organizations know that all the little things that make their daily tasks that much easier to accomplish matter, especially in an era where end users are regularly doing end runs around the IT department. The truth is that IT organizations that ignore that part of the job are not going to be seen as being all that relevant to internal employees, no matter how well they support mission-critical business processes.

Source:  ITBusinessEdge

And really that’s what VSee is all about: making it amazingly convenient and efficient to do face-to-face work with people who are off location.  Traditional video communications take too many steps to use easily and have required expensive hardware and dedicated rooms to be utilized.  In Joanna’s interview with VSee CEO, Milton Chen, he illustrates the beauty of VSee:

“VSee allows for video calls, but, so what? It is important to connect to someone, share a report or an image easily with a single click or drag and drop…..  It is near midnight here in California and I’m working from home while you are in Singapore. VSee enables [us] to have a rich dialogue with someone from across the world. It is easy to show something or share a file.  [Furthermore] VSee believes that video is important in while having a conversation….  We see VSee as a social network technology that brings people together, erase distances and simply get work done, no matter where the other person happens to be.”

Big companies like Apple, Facebook, Google, are traditional and afraid to hire people remotely. They have the mindset that as soon as they have people working remotely, productivity suffers. Trust and social bonding between team members also suffer. That is why  most prefer not to hire someone else located far from the home office as there are no tools  that will ensure effective team work.

Source: E27 Singapore

chips and salsaIt seems too simplistic to be true, but the VSee combination of excellent video, fast screen-sharing with annotation, and easy file-transfer is an unbeatable toolset that makes for productive and social teamwork just as the right food combinations like cookies and milk or chips and salsa makes for a tasty and satisfying treat.


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photo credits: chips and salsa by Amy Loves Yah via Flickr, Joanna interviews Milton via E27

Comments ( 1 )
  • anne
    infobabat says:

    Video Chat and Online Collaboration is the fuel of any business, whether it is between employees, partners or customers. It is a driving force for continued efficiency among everyday tasks and a necessity for improving the outcomes of many business activities. Hence, tools like webex, R-HUB web video conferencing servers, gomeetnow, gotomeeting etc. are widely used across organizations to effectively collaborate online.

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