I didn’t forget the promise for a post on daytime lighting for a video conference call. Here’s an example of my office, with a typical issue I see when talking to people on VSee:

Tag: VSee
We’ve all been there. Someone sends you an email asking you a question. You respond and ask for some clarification. Three days of back-and-forth emails later, you get fed up with how slow the discussion is going and call the other person. Three minutes later, you both have all the…
…But it’s just not there yet. I mean, we’re free for most users, right? So this was an interesting bit of news today from TechCrunch and ViVu. Basically, ViVu created a Skype plug-in called “VuRoom” that will enable multiparty calling and some additional collaboration tools. Aaaand they’re going to charge…
Just a short little post to follow up on the CNN article from a few posts ago and the story about VSee and telemedicine for disaster relief a few posts before that. First, there’s a new article in CNN today regarding CrisisCamp and the results of their weekend creating tools…
Ah, lighting. Never underestimate the importance of lighting in a video call. No matter whether you’re using VSee or Skype, Cisco or Polycom, the people you’re talking to want to see you. They don’t want to see… …which is lit mostly from the front. You’ll note that due to the smaller space I am…
The recent discussions here about how VSee simple desktop video conferencing compares to the traditional, room-based videoconferencing systems (Polycom, Cisco / Tandberg, LifeSize, etc.) got me to thinking about why the older systems are still so complex and difficult to deploy and use. The first videoconferencing systems were sufficiently large, expensive,…
The videos from last Saturday are being uploaded to YouTube, showing how VSee was used to provide live video conversations around the world. More at the WRDLIVE channel: www.youtube.com/user/WRDLIVE
Georgina Laidlaw wrote on Gigaom’s Web Worker Daily about 5 Things You’ll Miss by Not Working In An Office. More usefully, she also offered some coping strategies. Since most of the people at VSee spend more time working outside of the office than in it, we’ve developed a few strategies…
It’s been almost four months now that I’ve been Chief Product Officer for VSee, a video conferencing and collaboration software and services that is based in Mt. View, California but is actually distributed around the globe. I’ll write at some future date about how our customers use VSee, but this…
Also posted at herot.typepad.com. One of the key elements is making a business relationship work is establishing trust. This is especially challenging when the parties are seperated geographically. Technologies such as videoconferencing can help, but the conventional wisdom is that these tools are useful for reinforcing an existing relationship but that…
Originally posted on my personal blog shortly after joining VSee as Chief Product Officer. Since I left Convoq, the web conferencing start-up here in Boston where I served as CTO, I’ve gotten a lot of calls from companies doing personal video communications products. Some were in the process of raising…