Vidyo No-Show — Are They Giving up on Telemedicine?


This year’s ATA Fall Forum in Palm Desert, CA was a huge show of strength for telemedicine. All the big names were there, from Global Med to AMD Telemedicine to MedWeb to VSee, even non-HIPAA compliant Zoom was there. The theme was “Managing Chronic Conditions via Telemedicine,” and the VSee team was proud to participate and see our old and new customers.

Notably absent from the exhibition floor was Vidyo, the nemesis of VSee.

Almost all VSee customers are former Vidyo or webRTC (OpenTok, AddLive) users who were dissatisfied with the video quality or customer service of these video providers. Given the explosive growth of telemedicine, is Vidyo giving up the telemedicine space and leaving the field to VSee and Zoom? Exhibiting at ATA’s telemedicine tradeshows show commitment to serving that market segment. It shows a company’s intent to support and focus on telemedicine users. Can you trust a company who doesn’t even bother to show up?

Perhaps this absence signals a shift in Vidyo’s strategy? Maybe they’re spreading themselves too thin with their new injection of venture funding. Perhaps they’ve realised their solution is less competitive, so they’re moving away from the healthcare industry. We would not be surprised if they give up on telemedicine to focus exclusively on video games.

Comments ( 2 )
  • Michael Vegas Mussman
    James says:

    It’s funny that you say customers leave Vidyo because they were “dissatisfied with the video quality” when your very own Milton said “…you should see that Vidyo is a competitor I personally admire. They are an extremely successful company – they make a great product, the video quality is amazing…” in this blog post:

  • Michael Vegas Mussman
    milton says:

    Dear James, it is true that I do admire Vidyo – they are an amazing company by almost every metric – amount of investment raised, the product they have build, and the sales/marketing machine they have created. All these are objective metrics of success – and vsee is not even close to achieving the level of Vidyo success. Vidyo will have a great exit for its investors and employees – very few startups can get there – thus I admire Vidyo’s accomplishments.

    It is also true that almost all our customers are previous Vidyo and webRTC customers – and they do come to vsee due to better video quality. We operate at a much larger range of bandwidth found on practical networks. This is why we list Vidyo on our home page, see the bottom for the list of vsee alternatives – while Vidyo would never do something like this. For example, I am sure you are an active Vidyo user – have you ever run into cases where its video quality is not sufficient for your use case? where you wish it could be better?

    btw, another company I admire is Zoom. Like Vidyo – they are very successful by numerous metrics, the company has one of the best teams and led by Eric who I personally admire. At the same time, Zoom is not HIPAA compliant, for them to claim that they are HIPAA complaint when they are not is misleading to say the least. They are putting their customers at risk just to make near-term revenue to satisfy their investors. They should just tell its customers that Zoom is not HIPAA compliant and they cannot use Zoom for healthcare. Just because I think Zoom made a mistake w/ HIPAA doesn’t mean I don’t admire the good things they have accomplished.

    Companies are like people – we are all flawed – hopefully we will do greater good in this world by the time we finish and we at least made a sincere effort to try!

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