Virtual Care Reality and Accelerators to Scale – James Mault, MD, Qualcomm

It’s time for a reality check. Virtual care has not lived up to the hype. True, the mobile revolution is mind-blowing. So why hasn’t telehealth kept pace? Jim Mault thinks he may know why, because his company Qualcomm is at the forefront of making virtual care a reality for everyone.

Qualcomm is a global wireless mobile pioneer and has played a big role in smartphones’ popularity. At the next Consumer Electronics Show, they will debut the “next big thing,” 5G, which represents an exciting future state. 5G is not just a little faster internet, but enhanced mobile broadband, mission-critical services, and a massive internet of things (IoT). Qualcomm Life takes that know-how and applies it to healthcare. And healthcare is a data-driven business. There’s only so much doctors cando without reliable data. We need continuous data streams for real-time monitoring and informed interventions. So Qualcomm has built a system called Capsule to capture that data inside hospitals. Outside of the hospital, Qualcomm has built an effortless connectivity infrastructure called 2net. The idea is to have a complete ecosystem that gets rid of artificial barriers and traverses all care settings so that data can flow from hospital to home and all points in between. In addition, the Qualcomm ecosystem is 100% vendor-neutral.

In conclusion, if healthcare professionals can identify and focus on what Dr. Mault calls “accelerators,” and find good solutions to these problems, the healthcare industry is going to fare very well.

In the question-and-answer phase, Dr. Mault gave his forecast for the the future of value-based care.



James R. Mault, MD, FACS, is the VP & Chief Medical Officer of Qualcomm Life. Dr. Mault has more than 30 years of experience in executive positions in the HIT & Med Device industries as well as clinical medicine. He’s been board-certified in both General Surgery & Cardiothoracic Surgery. Mault conducted academic medical research under numerous grant awards from the National Institutes of Health, American Cancer Society, and others. Mault holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Medical Degree from the University of Michigan, and conducted his General Surgery & Cardiothoracic Surgery residency training at Duke University Medical Center.


The Telehealth Failures & Secrets To Success (TFSS) conference gives an honest look at the challenges facing the telehealth industry. Microsoft Sr. Director of Worldwide Healthcare & Productivity, Paul Smolke said,”TFSS was one of the best I have every attended – the format and content was incredible.”

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