VSee Android Seeking Dedicated C++ Lead Dev

Android icon for developerVSee is looking for a few good C++ devs to bring the VSee Android app to life. If you’ve got C++ chops, and you love working with Android NDK, come check us out. Experience with multi-threaded programming and graphics manipulation on NDK a must; bonus if you know Swig, Boost and have experience porting apps over to Android.

We’re a high energy, family-oriented team perfecting the simplest group video + screen share app for telehealth, education, business, and families all over the world. We believe VSee is really making a difference with its secure, ultra low bandwidth technology, which provides much needed healthcare and human resources to remote areas and developing nations where other technologies don’t work.

VSee remote ultrasound telehealth

In addition, our staff actually like each other and willingly spend entire weekends together on a houseboat or ski lodge. If you like challenges, we do trampoline dodge ball, paint balling, bug-eating contests and silly human trick contests, too!

Apply to be VSee’s Lead Android dev now!