Eight years ago when a friend told me about her coworker who lived 3 or 4 hours away from their company and worked from home most of the week, I was astounded. Now I’m in an even more extreme situation, living a couple of thousand miles away from company headquarters…

Remote Work
Summary: Mirror neurons may be the key to explaining why it’s so important to see people for social interactions. With the remote work revolution seriously getting underway, a recent article from Knowledge @ Wharton Today reminds us that remote workers may be losing more knowledge than we know from the…
A few articles ago, Milton wrote about how hard it is to get noticed and remembered in today’s work world because of all the information noise coming at us. This really goes double for remote workers since they are rarely seen or heard in their work places. Many feel isolated…
We’ve devoted posts to the corporate environment of remote work and distributed teams. Today’s installment is directed at our end users who find themselves to be, you guessed it, remote workers. There is sometimes an assumption within the tech world that any problem can be solved by a tool. “If…
In researching the cover story for the April issue of Inc. magazine, The Case for the Virtual Company, the entire editorial staff went virtual. Using email, mobile phones, and video conferencing they spent the month putting together the issue from home, coffee shops, and any place but their luxurious offices…
Also posted at herot.typepad.com. One of the key elements is making a business relationship work is establishing trust. This is especially challenging when the parties are seperated geographically. Technologies such as videoconferencing can help, but the conventional wisdom is that these tools are useful for reinforcing an existing relationship but that…