VSee was a smashing success at this past weekend’s ATA show in Austin, TX. With a truly innovative approach to video conferencing, VSee telehealth completely stole the show from Polycom, Cisco, and Vidyo. The excited crowds kept the VSee team so busy throughout the entire conference that the team barely…

Tag: Cisco
A NY Times article shook the video conferencing space when it reported that hackers were able to easily listen in on the board room discussions of major firms. The dark secret of the industry is that almost all existing video conferencing systems ( Cisco, Tandberg, Polycom, Vidyo, Blue Jeans, Radvision ) use the H.323 protocol which has many security flaws I had…
During my recent U.K. trip, while doing VSee calls all day long, it was IM and Chatter that I depended on the most to keep in touch with my coworkers. Those tools in addition to one-click video calling were critical for my informal interactions–those casual conversations that are so important for…
Ah, lighting. Never underestimate the importance of lighting in a video call. No matter whether you’re using VSee or Skype, Cisco or Polycom, the people you’re talking to want to see you. They don’t want to see… …which is lit mostly from the front. You’ll note that due to the smaller space I am…
The recent discussions here about how VSee simple desktop video conferencing compares to the traditional, room-based videoconferencing systems (Polycom, Cisco / Tandberg, LifeSize, etc.) got me to thinking about why the older systems are still so complex and difficult to deploy and use. The first videoconferencing systems were sufficiently large, expensive,…