Shell has been a longtime user of VSee video chat tool. VSee’s easy-to-use low-bandwidth technology makes it well suited for gas and oil companies. With workers in remote areas and often harsh environments, VSee has been delivering clear video along with real-time data for Shell workers in hard to reach places. With the development…

Tag: remote medicine
VSee spent last weekend showcasing its low-bandwidth secure telemedicine capabilities at the Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA) Symposium. The audience was amazed at VSee’s extreme low-bandwidth capabilities which used less than half the bandwidth of Skype, Vidyo, and OpenTok. They were even more excited when they saw how simply VSee integrates…
Updated: 4/14/2014 With an aging population, the anticipated explosion of Obamacare patients, and an expected shortage of doctors, telemedicine and online health care could be the innovation that will save health care. Through telemedicine, patients can have easy virtual visits with a doctor via emails, phone, video, or other devices.…