In a recent New Yorker article, Atul Gawande, CEO of the Amazon, Berkshire, JP Morgan health initiative wrote about “Why Doctors Hate Their Computers.” He points to the soaring physician burnout rate and suicide rates that are nearly double (or triple for women physicians) the average population. The culprit, Gawande believes…

Tag: virtual physician consultation
About Speaker Dr. Yellowlees is Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California Davis. He is the immediate Past President of the American Telemedicine Association and a member of the American Psychiatric Association and University of California’s workgroups on Telepsychiatry. Dr. Yellowlees is an…
Need practical tips on how to set up and deploy telemedicine for your clinic or practice? Here are the top 10 tips for making telehealth work from a physician perspective. Dr. Rodriguez shares his first hand experiences of putting together the processes and technology needed to provide telemedicine to his…
Updated: 4/14/2014 With an aging population, the anticipated explosion of Obamacare patients, and an expected shortage of doctors, telemedicine and online health care could be the innovation that will save health care. Through telemedicine, patients can have easy virtual visits with a doctor via emails, phone, video, or other devices.…