VSee New Release 1014 – Stethoscope Audio Mode

Update 10/26/2015: This release has been rolled back until further notice

VSee api update releaseCheck out the new stethoscope audio mode and improved app sharing in this new VSee release. Please make sure your VSee is updated to the latest versions:

  • Windows Version: (21905)
  • Mac Version: 3.1 (21901)
  • iPad: tba
  • iPhone: tba
  • Android: tba

Android, iPad, iPhone, Mac and Windows:

  1. Improved video quality auto-adjustment for low bandwidth networks.
  2. Reduced volume for sound alerts coming in during a call.
  3. Added option to disable the poor network warning.


  1. Added stethoscope audio mode for improved stethoscope sound.
  2. Added move function for desktop sharing
  3. Redesigned the start up guide.
  4. Redesigned AV setup window.
  5. Redesigned statistics window.
  6. Improved PTZ controls.
  7. Improved window tiling.
  8. Fixed chat message not showing up after received chat notification.
  9. Fixed crashes on leaving a group call.
  10. Fixed crashes when receiving app share from a Mac.
  11. Fixed failing to connect to camera.
  12. Fixed address book’s visibility with high contrast themes.


  1. Added stethoscope audio mode.
  2. Added option to pin video window on top of other applications.
  3. Added support for adding new participant into group chat.
  4. Improvement on window tiling.
  5. Fixed video being zoomed in/out.
  6. Fixed new plugged in camera device not showing up.
  7. Fixed chat message being sent on new opening chat tab or when clicking on chat window.
  8. Fixed crashes on leaving a group call.
  9. Fixed crashes on recording for OS X 10.7.

iPad and iPhone:

  1. Added support for portrait video.
  2. Added support for hyperlink on chat.
  3. Redesigned AV settings and app share toolbar.
  4. Improved in-app sign up UI.
  5. Fixed crashes for viewing history.
  6. Fixed crashes for viewing chat.
  7. Fixed freezing video on device rotation.
  8. Fixed video being zoomed in/out.
  9. Fixed bug where chat input field is covered by predictive keyboard.


  1. Added in-app sign up.
  2. Added full support for x86 devices – tablets with atom processor.
  3. Added automatic switch to appshare view when receiving appshare.
  4. Added support for hyperlinks in chat.
  5. Fixed speakerphone output after an incoming call.
  6. Fixed empty contact list on re-login.
  7. Fixed synced chat messages between devices.
  8. Fixed hangup issue when remote removes an aux-cam.

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To see if you are on the latest version of VSee:

Windows  – Click the Help icon in the address book –>select “About VSee…” and see if it is the newest version. VSee will download the newest client for you (which will show as a checkmark in task tray icon). Simply restart the program to use the updated VSee.

Mac  – Click “VSee” top menu and choose “check for updates.”

Please contact VSee support team if you have any problems, questions, or suggestions!