You can conduct a telemedicine consultation over any kind of internet connection. For patients in remote areas with no connectivity, satellite internet is the answer. The VSee team relied on satellite internet when we deployed telemedicine to refugees in Iraqi Kurdistan. Watch this video to learn more about how satellite internet works.…

Tag: satellite telemedicine
VSee CEO Milton Chen was recently invited by O3b Networks to speak on emergency communications and telemedicine applications at PTC ‘16, the annual conference of the Pacific Telecommunications Council in Honolulu, HI. O3b is an innovative low orbit satellite operator Continue Reading…
Eric has had a crazy and amazing week bringing the VSee telemedicine suitcase into the jungles of Gabon. He has been setting up VSee satellite calls to bring Harvard doctors and Albert Schweitzer Hospital doctors face to face virtually for telehealth consultations. And he has been training medical staff to use the VSee telemedicine…