1st TFSS Telehealth Conference a Huge Success

Join us for the 2nd #TFSS Telehealth Conference – Sept. 20-22, 2017 in Newark, CA

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Thank you for an Amazing #TFSS 2016 Conference!!

When we decided to do this telehealth conference, we had no idea what we were getting into or what kind of response we would get. The feedback we’ve gotten on this first Telehealth Failures & Secrets To Success conference has been absolutely overwhelming.

Microsoft speaker and Director of Worldwide Health & Productivity, Paul Smolke, wrote in to say:

“the format and content was incredible. Your company’s passion to leverage technology to improve the delivery of healthcare is refreshing and admirable.”

Many other attendees also wrote in:

“Great conference I wish my entire team came, you will need a bigger venue next year”

“Provided the most honest look at the business of telemedicine & telehealth of any conference ever”

“Absolutely phenomenal experience. Very well done, informative and fun! Thank you!”

“Thank you so much for a wonderful conference. Hands down the best group of people I have had the pleasure with whom to have spent the last 3 days.”

Truly, we had a wonderful time of bonding and great discussions about the problems of sustaining telehealth enterprises. From breathtaking visions of future applications to the down-to-earth practicalities of implementation and billing, I believe all who attended were inspired or re-inspired to make telehealth an every day reality.


Over 150 health care executives, physicians, and health technology experts gathered for three days of networking, sharing insights, and expert talks. Many speakers shared their own war stories, telehealth implementation tips, and lessons learned. You can check out our TFSS 16 photo gallery on Facebook. Or review a selection of those insights on our Talks & Webinars page or with the hashtag #TFSS on Twitter.

Featured speakers included Jim Mault, VP & Chief Medical Officer of Qualcomm Life; John Sotos, Chief Medical Officer of Intel, Kristi Henderson, VP of Virtual Care & Innovation at Seton Healthcare; Prentice Tom, Chief Medical/Innovation Officer at CEP America; and Randy Parker, Founder of MDLIVE.

The VSee team was there in full force to demonstrate VSee Clinic, as well as how doctors use VSee’s technology to live-stream their peripheral medical devices. Laurence Girard, CEO of FruitStreet, also had a table where he showed off their health and wellness platform.

The event was a huge success! Everyone at VSee looks forward to organizing an even bigger one in 2017 and making this telehealth conference an annual tradition.


Comments ( 3 )
  • Michael Vegas Mussman
    Dr Lawrence Wasserman phd says:

    The telemedicine sector is being overgrown rapidly with companies pursuing physician patient model.

    The key issue is these companies ROI … Is the telemed model cost effective, or cost benefit over span of 3 to 5 years. These questions that are raised have been forgotten or buried in the hype. The devil is in the details as they say and ask is this the solution as profitable? The hype of kiosks and models like vsee, teladoc and no doubt 15 plus other companies casts doubt in the life expectancy of telemed.

    A prevention and wellness add on is one model that should be explored and maybe the new flavor of 2017.

  • Michael Vegas Mussman
    anne says:

    Hi Dr. Wasserman – hope you can make next year’s conference 🙂 Perhaps I’m being too idealistic, but one thing I picked up at the conference is that 1) the ROI is not always about making a profit or saving money 2) if you focus too much on the ROI in the beginning, you may never be able to get your telehealth program off the ground. Some of the most successful telehealth programs got started because people were trying to meet a need and believed telehealth to be a solution, not because they already had an ROI. They had to go the extra mile to educate themselves, gather support, fundraise, etc. to get it to work. They made telemedicine a necessity to their population.

    Yes, chronic care and wellness is definitely an important space for telehealth!

  • Michael Vegas Mussman
    Dr. Lawrence Wasserman says:

    I appreciate your comments about my fascination with costs and ROI in the world of telehealth. This comment (wasn’t at the event) is based on my observations having worked in Asia Africa and Eastern Europe where to promote telehealth public and private entities assuming technology works focus on ROI or revenues produced this is fact of life.

    Another observation is that telehealth model appears all too familiar in India, and other countries … ITS A TELECONFERENCING tool and there must be 7 or more alike VSEE mdLIVE etc. There are many reports where large amounts of investments. Large company spent 50 million on a less expensive system that went bankrupt. Especially KIOSKS.

    The key from my perspective is preventive care using medical devices tracking patients chronic care. There is a shift in the medical health care from a fee-for-service model to one that is outcome driven for providers by focusing on preventative care. The model of patient centric treatment by intervention thru surgery, medication regime to prevent chronic and acute diseases is the focus of the model that is low cost.

    It has been shown that prevention is far less costly than treatment. There are various calculations depending on which study you consult, treating chronic diseases costs some 3.5 percent more than prevention, while treating acute diseases can cost around 20 percent more In Robert Wood Foundation REPORT noted it is well established that preventive care reduces the prevalence of disease and helps people live longer, healthier lives. The importance of studies shows the cost effectiveness of preventive care especially in chronic care diseases. The benefits include
    Cost savings over patients lifetime of chronic care diseases
    Extending life expectancy
    Reducing the incidence of mortality and disability
    Savings from preventive care can be reallocated

    The power of preventive care, the utilization of health care innovations of medical devices, the power of and use of telecommunications and access to patient education content serves as a platform for both patient and physician at lower costs for that makes difference. As opposed to strictly video conferencing serving a limited role of taking care of traditional symptoms colds, flu, ear and eye infections. But where is real need that will prevent mortality, morbidity and unattended illness resulting in becoming disable.

    By providing the physician with the necessary tools to monitor the patient’s progress and their vital sign on continuing basis and to enable the physician to communicate with patients on their health needs and to offer education resources to prevent chronic disease is the goal of doctors.

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