Video Conferencing and HIPAA

If you’re confused about HIPAA law, or you need to know if VSee is HIPAA-compliant, or you just want to know what’s all the fuss about HIPAA, VSee has done the legwork for you distilling the relevant information into our HIPAA page.  We’ve answered your questions about:

  • Is VSee HIPAA compliant?
  • Does VSee have HIPAA certification?
  • How can VSee help you be HIPAA compliant?
  • What is HIPAA?
  • What are the Privacy Rule and Security Rule?

Check out for a good overview of HIPAA law and how it applies to your use of VSee.

If you still have specific questions about your particular situation or think we’re missing a frequently asked question, please contact support to talk to our HIPAA expert.

You can also check out official HIPAA web resources from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources

Some health providers that use VSee as part of their telehealth programs include:


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