VSee, Nobel Prize Winners, and Gabon President Talk Telemedicine at the Albert Schweitzer Centennial

President of Gabon, Ali Bongo Ondimba

VSee team meets with the President of Gabon, Ali Bongo Ondimba to talk telemedicine

The VSee team had an amazing experience at the Albert Schweitzer Centennial Symposium sharing the possibilities of telehealth in Africa (and around the world) with the President of Gabon, Nobel Prize winners, and other renowned leaders of the health community. The Centennial celebrates the Albert Schweitzer Hospital’s 100 years of public health service in Africa. It also inaugurates the new Centre Hospitalier Universitaire International Albert Schweitzer à Lambaréné.

Together with some of the most respected scientists, researchers, and humanitarian activists from around the world, the VSee team addressed ways to overcome major public health issues in Africa — in particular, the Triple Epidemic of HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria — the top 3 killers in Africa. From alternative medicine to e-health solutions (like VSee telemedicine) to micro-financing, VSee was honored to contribute to the discussion of innovative and integrated approaches to handle today’s biggest health challenges.

Peter Agre Nobel ChemistryWith Dr. Peter Agre, Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2003), Director of John Hopkins Malaria Research Institute

HIV discoverer Luc MontagnierBreakfast with Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2008), HIV virus discoverer, Founder of Fondation Mondiale Recherche et Prévention SIDA

Lachlan Forrow, former Swiss minister of healthVSee Team with Dr. Lachlan Forrow, President of The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship; Director of Ethics/Palliative Care Programs at BIDMC Harvard Medical School and the former Health Minister of Switzerland

Nobel Prize panelThe Nobel Laureates panel left to right: Richard Attias, moderator; Dr. Peter Agre, Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2003) for discovery of how water channels in cell membranes work, USA; Leymah Gbowee,  Nobel Peace Prize (2011) and Co-Founder, Women in Peace and Security Network, Liberia; Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2008) for discovery of HIV virus, France; Dr. Rolf Martin Zinkernagel, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1996), for discovery of how the immune system recognizes virus-infected cell, Switzerland.

VSee CEO, Albert Schweitzer talkVSee CEO, Milton speaking on the possibilities of e-health technology such as the VSee telemedicine suitcase

VSee is a hit at Schweitzer CentennialThe VSee telemedicine suitcase is a hit with the international health community!

You can watch the opening ceremony speakers in the video below. Milton’s talk on e-health and communications technology begins at 1:46:00 (1 hour 46 minutes); the Nobel Laureates Panel begins at 59:00 (59 minutes). Full program here.

[ Video link: Albert Schweitzer Centennial Opening from Richard Attias & Associates on Vimeo.]

Comments ( 3 )
  • anne
    Joe Marsh says:

    Tele-medicine will become the Holy Grail of communications as we continue to turn out less and less doctors, engineers and scientists.
    GREAT JOB AS USUAL, Milton. Thanks for the update. JJM

  • anne
    Nirav Desai says:

    Nice work getting the word out about telehealth to such a high profile group of leaders and great marketing job on the part of the VSee team!

  • anne
    anne says:

    Thanks, Nirav! We love the in-depth video interviews you do of telehealth experts and leaders at Hands On Telehealth 🙂

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