VSee for Ebola Contagious Disease Units

Emergency health care workers –- such as those on the front lines combating Ebola in Nigeria –- are already using VSee for Ebola treatment. This week, a number of VSee customers contacted us to set up Ebola isolation units inside their hospital.

The setup is simple: just load the free VSee software onto a medical grade Onyx Healthcare all-in-one PC or load the free VSee onto the computer already in the isolation unit.

VSee auto accept calls

VSee for Windows auto call accept

Change your settings to automatically accept calls

VSee for Mac auto call accept

From the VSee address book, select Settings –> Preferences –> Automatically Accept Calls, and set up auto answer with your list of allowed users, so that any emergency worker on the list can connect automatically by video without having to make a request. This makes communications between multiple remote users faster and easier, streamlining the emergency workflow.

For an advanced setup, install a pan-tilt-zoom HD camera to allow the remote staff to control the camera.

For an even more advanced setup, deploy a VSee Telemedicine Kit which contains medical scopes and sensors. VSee allows doctors to do remote readings from these sensors, including EKG monitor, digital stethoscope, pulse oximeter, and numerous other devices.

Many contagious disease units are already using VSee. If you are applying to the USAID Ebola Grant, we would love to partner with you.