Google has announced they are shutting down Helpouts, their platform for experts to offer advice by video, on April 20. With Google Helpouts shutting down, health providers who use the service to consult with clients will have to find an alternative to Helpouts. In the Guardian Liberty Voice, Alley Hines writes:…

VSee has partnered with MyVitalz, a company that provides simple remote patient monitoring for the home. With MyVitalz, patients keep their care team updated with their biometric health data (such as pulse and temperature) once they return home from the hospital. Now, with VSee’s Virtual Waiting Room integrated into MyVitalz, patients…
Dear Friends, 2014 was a pivotal year for us as the telemedicine and telehealth markets finally exploded. We have been working with visionaries such as MDLIVE-Walgreens, Focus Cura, Intermountain Healthcare, and Mayo Clinic for a number of years. And now everyone else is knocking down our doors wanting telemedicine! Doctors…
We recently received this thank-you letter from Jonathan Berkowitz, LAc, who runs Inquisitive Owl Acupuncture in San Francisco: Our practice was actually designed with hardworking software engineers in mind. Telemedicine is quite useful for people who work long hours, and who can’t take time away from the office. In addition,…
Writing for the Atlantic Online, Joseph Burgo describes his experience providing psychotherapy sessions over video as a mental health provider. Burgo has some interesting things to say about expatriates and the psychological problems they confront. But his article suffers a major flaw: he doesn’t realize that his online practice is…
On Wednesday, December 3, Intel, Dell, and the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) hosted a congressional briefing. This event focused on ways that innovation and policy reform can improve local and global responses to emerging health crises such as Ebola in Nigeria. More than 50 leaders from government, think tanks,…
VSee is happy to welcome TouchCare to an already buzzing telemedicine market, where they join such big-hitters as MDLIVE, TelaDoc, American Well, Health Tap, and Doctor on Demand. Here are two pieces of good news. Last month, TouchCare secured $4 million in venture capital. And at the same time, they…
The Vsee team will make an impact at this year’s mHealth Summit in Washington, DC, December 7-11, booth #1007. If you haven’t heard, mHealth is the world’s largest gathering of mobile health experts and professionals. We’re looking forward to showing off the latest in telehealth technology and how simple it…
This very moment, several new applications and devices are entering the market. And the telehealth market is truly global. In Singapore, an app called RingMD launched this month. It promises to connect patients to doctors via smartphone. But for now, it appears limited to Southeast Asia. And it’s only available…
Telemedicine has passed the tipping point. Two recent surveys of healthcare providers show that telemedicine, if not quite a mature industry, has at least achieved mainstream acceptance. In a survey by the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM), two-thirds of respondents said that they “are either using telemedicine to…
Source: Please see VSee CEO Milton Chen’s comment below for update on Feb. 1, 2015 . Zoom, an online web meeting provider, has been marketing as itself as a telehealth solution. However, if you’ve done your HIPAA homework, it’s clear that Zoom isn’t ready for telemedicine. First, Zoom copied…
This year’s ATA Fall Forum in Palm Desert, CA was a huge show of strength for telemedicine. All the big names were there, from Global Med to AMD Telemedicine to MedWeb to VSee, even non-HIPAA compliant Zoom was there. The theme was “Managing Chronic Conditions via Telemedicine,” and the VSee…
Emergency health care workers –- such as those on the front lines combating Ebola in Nigeria –- are already using VSee for Ebola treatment. This week, a number of VSee customers contacted us to set up Ebola isolation units inside their hospital. The setup is simple: just load the free…
Telemedicine could save US companies $6 billion a year in health care costs, according to a survey by Towers Watson. Writing about workplace telemedicine, Dan Verel of MedCity News says it means that “employees will no longer have to leave the office to go to the doctor for non-emergencies.” Fewer…
VSee will be exhibiting at the ACEP14 conference in Chicago, IL this year in booth #1911. ACEP is the American College of Emergency Practitioners, and their members include many health care providers who could benefit from using VSee technology. And many of them already do. VSee will be showcasing our…
Telemedicine has recently been featured in two different news outlets, the Economist and Healthcare Matters. This added attention suggests that the public is beginning to wake up to telemedicine’s potential. According to the Economist: “Telemedicine is more than a Skype chat between doctor and patient, says Michael Young, who works…
Congratulations to Dr. Latisha Rowe and Click It Clinic, one of VSee’s customers! They just won the Upstart Award from the Greater Houston Black Chamber of Commerce (GHBC). She received the award at GHBC’s 20th Annual Pinnacle Awards on October 11. The Upstart Award recognizes promising, Black-owned businesses in the…
Telemedicine abortion has been a hot topic recently with Planned Parenthood losing a “telemedicine abortion” ban suit against Iowa. Alana Semuels has explored the issue further in the Atlantic online, showing how telemedicine could impact women’s access to safe abortion. Writes Semuels, “there is one procedure that, though it could…
In July, a team of professionals from the University of Sao Paolo returned to the Amazon rainforest to support the populations of the Amazon rainforest. Led by Dr. Milton Yogi, an ophthalmic surgeon based in San Paolo, they have done this every year for the past 10 year. Dividing into…
Inmarsat, the multi-billion dollar innovative satellite company, has partnered with VSee to provide telemedicine in the world’s most difficult to reach places. VSee has used Inmarsat’s BGAN, a satellite terminal the size of a laptop, in numerous missions from Nigeria to Syria to Latin America. Inmarsat has just published a…