Emergency health care workers –- such as those on the front lines combating Ebola in Nigeria –- are already using VSee for Ebola treatment. This week, a number of VSee customers contacted us to set up Ebola isolation units inside their hospital. The setup is simple: just load the free…

Remote Work
Inmarsat, the multi-billion dollar innovative satellite company, has partnered with VSee to provide telemedicine in the world’s most difficult to reach places. VSee has used Inmarsat’s BGAN, a satellite terminal the size of a laptop, in numerous missions from Nigeria to Syria to Latin America. Inmarsat has just published a…
Guest Post – Anthony Watkins is Founder, Chairman and CEO of The Toney Watkins Company, a hospitality and entertainment company, currently developing international theme park resorts. In early September of 1966, I sat with my brothers in front of our family’s television set watching this new show that was premiering on…
Virtual teams are a very different breed of animal from traditional office teams. So it stands to reason that creating a virtual team with the same level of rapport and efficacy requires different measures or as iDoneThis CEO Walter Chen believes, it requires “extreme measures.” Here are his 4 extreme habits (via Jeff…
The BART strike hit Bay Area’s 400K daily commuters this morning with a slap in the face. Oakland ferry lines were stretching around the corner and the Bay Bridge has been backed up since 5:30 a.m. KTVU-TV’s @sal_castaneda tweets: In 1997 [the last BART strike] most people couldn’t work from…
VSee was recently featured by the Hot Spots Movement, a specialist research and consulting team that focuses on building collaborative capability for their clients, and on future-proofing organisations. They are also the brains behind the Future of Work Research Consortium, which gathers thought leaders and innovators around the world to share models, insights, solutions and…
Guest post by Jessica Stillman – London-based freelancer who has written for Inc.com, CBS MoneyWatch, and GigaOM, among others. How does remote work impact recruiting for smaller firms? VSee has years of experience with which to answer this question. Unemployment may be stuck at a dismal 10 percent, but for the best talent – especially…
Telecommuters, beware! You may not be getting the credit that you deserve. Time Moneyland reports that just showing up for work really does win brownie points putting those who work from home at a disadvantage. In a recent article for MIT Sloan Management Review, Professors Kimberly Elsbach of UC Davis and Daniel Cable of the…
Would you consider using an office robot to telecommute? -WSJ poll I’m a definite “yes”! As a remote worker, I know that getting in face time and making myself seem “real” and personable to coworkers is crucial. In fact, studies show that workers who put in less “face time” are less likely…
Working remotely can be a pain sometimes, but having access to a powerful video tool that can be used for a variety of situations can make working with your virtual teams so much easier. You can create and maintain multiple video sessions and eliminate the issues that crop up in…
VSee is a robust online-based video tool that can be utilized in a number of applications. One of them is the field of human resource recruiting and training which I work on a fair bit. Thanks to the ease of creating and maintaining the video sessions, I find the combination…
One of the things I love about working at VSee is hearing stories about how VSee makes a real difference in people’s lives. For some, VSee’s ability to deliver video over limited network capacities makes it the only means for them to access needed medical care or to see far away family.…
Is Vidyo really the next big thing in video conferencing? It has been attracting attention for being the new Cisco and Polycom of the video conferencing world. This is because Vidyo dirt cheap compared with traditional videoconference leaders Cisco, Polycom, Avaya/Radvision (at about a third of the typical price tag). However, if you want to talk…
Remote managers have it tough. They have to get others to cooperate and be on board with their projects and to like them even though they may never meet these people face-to-face, and even though these people may not even be part of the same organization! While a big part…
Yesterday I came across a remote managers discussion thread. One person new to remote managing was having trouble working with “faceless” remote clients. Several respondents were rather unsympathetic to his problem, insisting that the loss of facetime shouldn’t affect his ability to influence and build rapport with his clients. Maybe the…
Early last week Lifehacker posted a story about a recent Stanford University experiment on teleworkers in a Chinese travel agency. It turns out that those who worked from home were significantly more productive (i.e. received more calls thus booked more flights) than their office-bound counterparts. To be more precise, teleworkers logged…